
BIG BREAKING : Kandhar hijacker Masood Azhar, killed ? in a bomb Explosion by Unknown Man

Kandhar hijacker Masood Azhar, killed ? Unknown man blast a bomb at the convoy of Mohammad Masood Azhar Alvi . He was seriously injured in an attack ,unconfirmed sources said. He is a radical Islamist and terrorist, being the founder and leader of the Pakistan-based terrorist organisation Jaish-e-Mohammed, active mainly in the Pakistani-administered portion of the Kashmir region. His actions are not limited to the South Asian region; for instance, BBC News described him as “the man who brought jihad to Britain.” On 1 May 2019, Masood Azhar was listed as an international terrorist by the United Nations Security Council.

Kandhar hijacker Masood Azhar, killed ? Unknown man seems to fire a rocket towards his convoy .Azhar was born in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan on 10 July 1968(although some sources list his birth date as 7 August 1968 as the third of 11 children—five sons and six daughters. Azhar’s father, Allah Bakhsh Shabbir, was the headmaster at a government-run school as well as a cleric with Deobandi leanings and his family operated a dairy and poultry farm.

The release of terror mastermind Masood Azhar in 1999 in exchange for the 155 passengers held hostage on the hijacked Indian Airlines flight IC-814 is at the core of an electoral battle today, but many details of this swap remain secret.

National Security Advisor Ajit Doval (then Additional Director in the Intelligence Bureau), may not have been on the flight with then foreign minister Jaswant Singh as part of the high-profile team that took Masood Azhar to Kandahar. However, he did receive them.

Kandhar hijacker Masood Azhar, killed ? He was going back from Bhawalpur mosque

On the flight, instead, were four young officers who spent every moment of the two-hour flight on the edge as they guarded three dreaded terrorists. One of them remembers that the terrorists took many loo breaks. “We took off their cuffs for their meal,” he said.

Azhar dropped out of mainstream school after class 8 and joined the Jamia Uloom Islamic school, from where he graduated out in 1989 as an alim and was soon appointed as a teacher. The madrasa was heavily involved with Harkat-ul-Ansar and Azhar was subsequently assumed under its folds, after being enrolled for a jihad training camp at Afghanistan.

Despite failing to complete the course; he joined the Soviet–Afghan War and retired after suffering injuries. Thereafter, he was chosen as the head of Harkat’s department of motivation. He was also entrusted with the editorial responsibilities for the Urdu-language magazine Sad’e Mujahidin and the Arabic-language Sawte Kashmir.


Azhar later became the general secretary of Harkat-ul-Ansar and visited many international locations to recruit, to raise funds and to spread the message of Pan-Islamism. Among his destinations were Zambia, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, the United Kingdom and Albania.

Masood Azhar, who had been in India’s custody since his arrest in Kashmir a few years ago, went on to set up the terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed, which carried out several attacks in India. Along with him, two others were released: Omar Sheikh (who, years later, killed Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl) and Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar.

aish-e-Mohammed carried out a string of deadly attacks against Indian targets, including the attack on the Indian parliament in December 2001 that brought India and Pakistan to the brink of a full-scale war. The terrorist attack on the Parliament of India in New Delhi happened on 13 December 2001.


The perpetrators belonged to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), both Pakistan-based terrorist organizations. The attack led to the deaths of five terrorists, six Delhi Police personnel, two Parliament Security Service personnel and a gardener – in total 14 – and to increased tensions between India and Pakistan, resulting in the 2001–02 India–Pakistan standoff.

Soon after the Indian parliament attack, on 29 December 2001, Masood Azhar was detained for a year by Pakistani authorities, after diplomatic pressure by India and International community, in connection with the attack but was never formally charged. The Lahore High Court ordered an end to the house arrest on 14 December 2002, much to the fury of India. Azhar was never arrested after that.

On 7 December 2008, it was claimed that he was among several arrested by the Pakistani government after a military raid on a camp located on the outskirts of Muzaffarabad in connection with the 2008 Mumbai attacks. He continued to live in Bhawalpur.

Pakistan’s government denied

Pakistan’s government denied it had arrested Masood Azhar and said it was unaware of his whereabouts On 26 January 2014, Azhar reappeared after a seclusion of two years. He addressed a rally in Muzaffarabad, calling for the resumption of jihad in Kashmir. In March 2014, a spokesperson of Jaish-e-Muhammad claimed that he was in Srinagar, India.

The 2016 Pathankot attack on Indian air base is said to be masterminded by Masood Azhar and his brother. They were in direct touch with terrorists even after the attack had begun. Indian investigative agencies have given dossiers containing proofs of Azhar’s complicity in the terror attack and also sought a second ʽred corner noticeʼ from ʽInterpolʼ.

On 14 February 2019, a convoy of vehicles carrying security personnel on the Jammu Srinagar National Highway was attacked by a vehicle-bound suicide bomber in Lethpora near Awantipora, Pulwama district, Jammu and Kashmir, India. The attack resulted in the death of 44 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel and the attacker.

UN Security Council

The responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Pakistan-based Islamist terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed.He approved the attacks from the Pakistani Army Hospital where he is under protective custody. After the attack, France, United Kingdom and United States moved a proposal at UN Security Council to ban Masood.

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