
Get a better experience with these new Gmail features

GMAIL Features:Learn such features of GMAIL that you may not have used yet

GMAIL Features

Put dots in your email address PUT DOTS IN YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS

Many email addresses always have full stops at the end, but did you know that Gmail doesn’t read full stops in your email addresses? As for Gmail, it is the same as g.m.ail.enth.usi.a.st@gmail.com and gmailenthusiast@gmail.com. What does it mean then? In fact, you have more email addresses than you think.
For example, if you want to sign up for a free trial, you can use any of the above versions, and they will all work. This also means that if someone types in your email address with too many or too few dots, you will still receive the message.


Did you know that if you act fast enough, you can get back already sent emails? If you’ve been paying attention while sending an email, you may have noticed the big “UNDO SEND” button in the list of sent messages.
It’s no surprise that this feature prevents your email from going out. The hidden feature is that you can set how long that button will be there before it disappears, and you can no longer read the message.

GMAIL Features


When you turn on the Reading Pane, your inbox is split into two. On the one hand, a list of your emails will be shown; On the other hand, the email you clicked on will be shown. You can also choose where the reading pane will appear.

It can be on the right side or bottom of the inbox. Yes, the Reading pane in Microsoft Outlook makes it easy to fast forward through emails, but Gmail has only one feature. To turn it on, go to Gmail Labs and click the “Cog” button, then click “Settings,” “Labs,” “Preview Pane,” “Enable,” and “Save Changes.”

Turn off group emails to avoid distractions

We have all gone there. When an email is sent to the whole group, everyone keeps pressing “reply all” which keeps your inbox buzzing. You need to deal with notifications that drag you away from your work, and Gmail can help.

If you want to read these emails later, but don’t want to be bothered by the constant back and forth, you can mute the email thread. Simply open Messages, click “More” in the top bar and select “Mute”. Thats all there is to it. Now in this conversation you will get every new message, but you will not get any alert about it.

GMAIL Features

Activate the reading pane activate the reading pane

With Gmail’s Reading Pane feature, you can read your emails without having to click on each one and go back to your inbox every time. When you enable the Reading Pane, your inbox is split into two sections.
One side displays your inbox list, while the other displays the contents of the email you clicked on. You can also specify where the reading pane appears. It can be at the top or bottom of the inbox.

GMAIL Features

Schedule an email at any time

All emails are sent as soon as you click on the send button. Gmail, on the other hand, allows you to schedule your emails to be sent later. With email scheduling, you can specify a future date or time for Gmail to send your email. However, this feature is limited in that you can only schedule one email at a time.
When working outside of your shift, this feature is extremely useful. You can avoid your boss knowing that you sometimes work after hours. If you don’t want to bother your customers after hours, scheduling your emails for the next business day is a good option.

Since its launch in 2004, Google’s email service, Gmail, has dominated the market. Despite being very old, Gmail’s only major competitor ‘Yahoo Mail’ is far behind in terms of success. As with Hotmail, it dominated the market before Gmail came along. Gmail currently shares at least 1.5 billion active users, while Yahoo has 225 million. Now the two cannot be compared to each other.

Gmail’s success is often attributed to its simple, user-friendly interface. It also includes hundreds of features that make emailing significantly better. Automatic replies, email filtering and categorization, Gmail chat and other features are among our favorites.

However, Gmail offers some exciting features that users are unaware of. Using these hidden features will enhance your overall Gmail experience and increase your productivity while surfing. Setting your default view, showing email preview, email scheduling, and others are some of those features.

Hidden Gmail Features You Need to Know

Gmail is extremely useful for both personal and business purposes. Learning more and more of its features will make your life a little easier than ever. Here are the top features of Gmail that you are unaware of.

  1. Change the way emails are shown
    Most Yahoo Mail users who switch to Gmail

They have a common technicality. Gmail displays fewer emails per scroll than Yahoo Mail. The obvious reason is that the default view in Gmail has more padding than Yahoo Mail. The attachment of each email is also displayed on the second line.

Many users are unaware that they can easily change this view using Gmail’s settings. Gmail offers three density options: Default, Casual, and Compact. The default view is the one you see the first time you use Gmail. Gmail’s Comfort feature hides the attachments of each email, reducing the amount of space used on each line. Finally, Gmail goes a step further with Compact by removing the extra padding from each email line, making your email list as compact as possible.

  1. Activate the Reading Pane
    With Gmail’s Reading Pane feature, you can read your emails without having to click on each one and go back to your inbox every time.
    When you enable the Reading Pane, your inbox is split into two sections. One side displays your inbox list, while the other displays the contents of the email you clicked on. You can also specify where the reading pane appears. It can be at the top or bottom of the inbox.
  2. Schedule Email Anytime
    All emails are sent as soon as you click on the send button. Gmail, on the other hand, allows you to schedule your emails to be sent later. With email scheduling, you can specify a future date or time for Gmail to send your email. However, this feature is limited in that you can only schedule one email at a time.
    When working outside your shift, this feature is extremely useful. You can avoid your boss knowing that you sometimes work after hours. If you don’t want to bother your customers after hours, scheduling your emails for the next business day is a good option.
  3. Snooze Less Important Emails
    With Gmail, you can remind an email to temporarily hide it from your inbox.
    Gmail allows you to choose when reminded emails will reappear. You can choose your own time and date to snooze the email.
  4. Undo Your Angry Emails to Your Boss
    Email was always considered permanent. Once sent it used to be impossible to undo. At that point, you could be sure that your boss would read your angry email the next time he opened his inbox. Thankfully, this is no longer the case with Gmail’s Undo Send feature.

For a limited time, Gmail allows you to undo sent emails. After you send an email, an Undo button will briefly appear in the lower-left corner of the page. Even better, Gmail lets you choose how long you can undo an email. To access this option go to Settings > General > Undo > Send.

  1. Organize Your Inbox With Subfolders and Labels
    Gmail’s streamlined interface is one of its most notable features that users may love. In Gmail, you can label your emails and organize them into subfolders.
    You can also use filters to help Gmail automatically move or label emails into subfolders. This way, you will never miss an important mail while using the app.