Russia, Ukraine, America, India… and Indian media

In the Zelensky and Putin episode, India appears to stand with Russia every time, from UN voting to public official statements. From Western nations and American lawmakers to influential heads of state, efforts have been made to wrap India in guilt. India did not abandon Russia and did not stand by American views.

In the Zelensky and Putin episode, India appears to stand with Russia every time, from UN voting to public official statements. From Western nations and American lawmakers to influential heads of state, efforts have been made to wrap India in guilt. India did not abandon Russia and did not stand by American views.

America was definitely upset by this, the other white nations of Europe were definitely hurt that their once slave nation was not listening to them. There are always second and third plans in times like these. If the government is not managed, then you get confused and work on a new plan.

America continued to accuse India in its Senate and from behind started putting the narrative of ‘Ukraine great, Russia troubled’ in the Indian media. India has the image of a good administrator regarding Putin, the people here like him very much. There has also been a positive image in India regarding Russia.

Therefore, there is a lot of narrative going on in the media from telling Russia the reason for the third world war, its defeat etc. It is foolish to think that Russia will lose to Ukraine. It is strange to think that Russia, which keeps screwing with America, will lose to Ukraine. Yes, of course, Putin would not have estimated such a long battle.
When the media is managed like this, you will get news of thousands of Russian soldiers dying every day, their troops being destroyed by the guerilla Ukrainian army, etc. You will begin to believe that Russia is losing and that the people of Ukraine are being persecuted.

Both these statements are contradictory. If Russia is losing, then why is Ukraine pleading with other nations every day? How is Ukraine winning if its people are being bombed? On the one hand you are also hearing the news of hundreds of atlases being demolished, and at the same time you are also being told that the condition of the destroyer is very bad! Don’t you find it strange?

Zelensky or Ukraine is so loved, why not send your armies to Europe? Why is Europe buying oil from Russia? Will Ukraine face Russia by begging for a hundred million dollars? From the Russia to which America’s defense budget goes into trillion dollars?

Ukraine is dragging the war because it serves American interests. For America, whether there is a state of war in the world or war continues somewhere, it is a medium of trade. He is telling India even today that break friendship with Russia, take weapons from us. Its basic goal is arms sales, not cooperation.

For this, when diplomatic efforts have failed, the Indian public is being tricked through the media that your government is not with the poor and suffering Ukrainians, it is with the tyrant Putin, how do you sleep at night!
Big TV channels are getting money through Britain to keep the buzz that there is going to be a world war and India is helping Russia instead of stopping it. The fact is that Russia is still getting so much money for oil from every country in Europe which is more than India’s purchase for a year.

There are always second and third plans in times like these. If the government is not managed, then you get confused and work on a new plan.

America continued to accuse India in its Senate and from behind started putting the narrative of ‘Ukraine great, Russia troubled’ in the Indian media. India has the image of a good administrator regarding Putin, the people here like him very much. There has also been a positive image in India regarding Russia.

Therefore, there is a lot of narrative going on in the media from telling Russia the reason for the third world war, its defeat etc. It is foolish to think that Russia will lose to Ukraine. It is strange to think that Russia, which keeps screwing with America, will lose to Ukraine. Yes, of course, Putin would not have estimated such a long battle.
When the media is managed like this, you will get news of thousands of Russian soldiers dying every day, their troops being destroyed by the guerilla Ukrainian army, etc. You will begin to believe that Russia is losing and that the people of Ukraine are being persecuted.

Both these statements are contradictory. If Russia is losing, then why is Ukraine pleading with other nations every day? How is Ukraine winning if its people are being bombed? On the one hand you are also hearing the news of hundreds of atlases being demolished, and at the same time you are also being told that the condition of the destroyer is very bad! Don’t you find it strange?

Zelensky or Ukraine is so loved, why not send your armies to Europe? Why is Europe buying oil from Russia? Will Ukraine face Russia by begging for a hundred million dollars? From the Russia to which America’s defense budget goes into trillion dollars?

Ukraine is dragging the war because it serves American interests. For America, whether there is a state of war in the world or war continues somewhere, it is a medium of trade. He is telling India even today that break friendship with Russia, take weapons from us. Its basic goal is arms sales, not cooperation.

For this, when diplomatic efforts have failed, the Indian public is being tricked through the media that your government is not with the poor and suffering Ukrainians, it is with the tyrant Putin, how do you sleep at night!
Big TV channels are getting money through Britain to keep the buzz that there is going to be a world war and India is helping Russia instead of stopping it. The fact is that Russia is still getting so much money for oil from every country in Europe which is more than India’s purchase for a year.